Zoning is the layout of the physical parcels within the City and how they are used by property owners.
Zoning aims to promote an orderly pattern of development and to separate incompatible land uses, such as industrial uses, commercial uses and residential homes to ensure an harmonious environment.
The Zoning Ordinances are the legal instruments which regulate and establish limits on the use of land and building size, shape, height, and setbacks.
The City of Mosinee's current Zoning Code was updated in 1998.
When changes are required due to several factors, periodic updates and amendments are made to maintain a rational use of land.
Each plot of land within the City’s jurisdiction has a zoning designation —
R1-Single Family
R3-Single Family and Duplexes
R4-Single Family, Duplexes and Apartments
B2-Community Service
B3-General Commercial
B4-General Commercial
IB-Interchange Business
M-1 Limited Industrial
M-2 General Industrial
IP-B Industrial Park Business
IP-M Industrial Park Manufacturing
Numerous zoning districts are mapped in the City’s diverse neighborhoods to preserve their varying density and character. These limits help give shape to neighborhoods and predictability to their future. The City continues to adapt the Zoning Ordinances as the land use patterns in the City change through private and public actions.
For questions regarding zoning on a parcel within the City of Mosinee, please contact the City Clerks office at: 715-693-2275 or email: